Certified Emergency Training
Please fill out the registration page below and
check the box that says- I am an Aurora University Nursing Student.
Payment for the course is prefered via Credit or Debit Card through this page! You can also arrange to pay per cash or check ( to CET) with your student representative or on the day of the course!
Price includes Course fee as well as the Certified Emergency Training Cardiac ECG and Pharmacology Seminar Student workbook! As an Aurora University Nursing Student you receive not only a discounted class price but the included CET exclusive instruction booklet!
We also offer all other AHA courses including BLS, and ACLS!
Find a course that fits your schedule TODAY!
Click Here to be directed to the main Prices and Registration page in order to register and pay for any of our upcoming BLS, ECG & Pharmacology, Airway Management or any other upcoming courses we offer!
Looking for additional courses to strengthen not only your nursing skills but also your resume? Certified Emergency Training offers all AHA Courses including ACLS/ BLS / Airway Management and much more! Click Here to Learn more!
Photos from Aurora University Certified Emergency Training Cardiac ECG and Pharmacology Seminar- 2015
Aurora University Nursing
CET Student Course Registrations